Resolved Can not display any Chinese characters


Feb 10, 2012

this bugs seems a bit ridiculous, but I found that the JellyBean for the MiOne (3.4.5) cannot display any Chinese characters (it can display something like Thai or Vietnamese characters).

Can you fix that? I guess it is something introduced by muiandroid, because the Chinese Users would have noticed :)

Added two screenshots with missing characters


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Why are you using our rom if you know Chinese? We are removing chinese font to be able working with European languages...

Thanks for replying. I do not know much Chinese. Only a few words. Sometimes I write it or learn it. With my old phones I never had a problem with German stock roms.

Maybe this is a misunderstanding: I do not want Chinese localization, I only expect the fonts to be there/be complete. And you have a lot of non-latin charsets in the ROM that work without problem, see the attached screenshot. Only Hanzi seem to be missing. I think this is not intended?


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having the same issue, i prefer english and better translated english rom but getting rid of chinese ime or unicode to display chinese characters on anything including the browser seems a little bit extreme.

Seems that it's not only Chinese but Japanese font it's not displaying neither in twitter or Firefox in any website
No chinese support for miuiandroid rom.

Wysłane z MI 2
I know that Chinese ui or stuff like Baidu it's not supported on miuiandroid but for displaying content like website or twitter it's something basic that every smartphone should do

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It seems it also breaks K9 Mail, see attached screenshot (normally in the message view there will be up and down arrows to the side of the trashcan icon to switch to the next or previous message). Maybe these are also symbols missing from the fonts?

In case it helps to find the bug: This was not a problem with the ICS builds for the Mi1


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Hm the font seems to support chinese signs. I can display site with chinese chars without problem.
Are you sure you dont have a theme applied?
Switched everything back to default

Still them same

Sent from my MI-ONE Plus using Tapatalk 2


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Hm. Here's mine. M2.
You're using Firefox? Did you try stock browser?

Wysłane z MI 2


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I can confirm that the stock browser shows the same problems. Also the Address Book contains empty lines for people with Chiense names.

eddie & me are using Mi ONE, Acid is using MI 2. Could this be the difference?
Hm.. ok this could make a difference. We delete some fonts due to low system space for Mi1. We delete MIUI fonts (which are unused in our build and oversized) and another one... Hm. I can try to revert deleting one font in next release to test.
I reverted DroidSansFallback font because it could cause this trouble. When user finds a non latin text in browser then system uses Fallback fonts. But.. I deleted some other fonts to be able to boot the rom. Its not tested yet because after mods you will have about 2MB left in memory. Hope this will boot anyway...
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I can also confirm that it fixed: I can read messages, Chinese contacts again, and also the arrwos in K9 Mail are fixed.

I wonder why there are so severe space problems? I understand you mostly REMOVE Chinese Apps (and maybe ad the google ones). Anyhow, as long as this is working I am a happy camper.

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Yeah I'm wondering the same thing about space storage 4gb of rom should be enough, maybe something I don't know about miui way to handle it

Sent from my MI-ONE Plus using Tapatalk 2
System memory is divided into partitions. And in M1 /system has only 210MB. The M2 has for example more than 500MB. Do you see the difference? In full rom we must put gapps which are 28MB. Miui v5 is much heavier than v4 so it occupies a lot of memory. Without deleting miui special, oversized fonts and some ringtones we wouldn't be able to boot the rom with gapps included. It's already impossible to build multi because full English rom got 3MB left.

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