camera bug/pro mode


Jan 7, 2021
hi, there is a bug in camera app (on mi10 for sure) you can see when you set pro mode the iso values doesn't works. the only values that does works are 200/400/800 and so on, but in the middle values (such as 50/150)the camera goes in automatic mode. it is a long time that this bug is present..


  • photo5798783355653830092.jpg
    121.1 KB · Views: 137
hi, there is a bug in camera app (on mi10 for sure) you can see when you set pro mode the iso values doesn't works. the only values that does works are 200/400/800 and so on, but in the middle values (such as 50/150)the camera goes in automatic mode. it is a long time that this bug is present..
Mi10 latest weekly no problem with ISO on Pro mode.