
  1. P

    HyperOS - poco c65

    Hello, When i updated the HyperOS (i think) to i lost Game Turbo, is this a part of the update or smth? Or it shouldn't be like that?
  2. X

    (Multiple questions) Does XiaomiEU update integrated services/app to their latest on stable/weekly ?

    Hello everyone, I was asking myself about multiple things since I manually upgraded integrated apps and services on my phone (Redmi note 9S) I'm using stock Miui and I saw that some integrated apps on Xiaomi, accessible or not, were never updated, or rarely. So I tried to update some via APK...
  3. A

    Como paso de ROM estable a Weekly?

    Buenas, he visto que ''puedo'' actualizar a la rom weekly / stable de miui10 pero no me deja descargarla desde el actualizador y tampoco me deja instalarla desde el movil descargando la rom. Mi version actual es Miui9 - V9.5.10.0 NCHCNFA (Stable) y no se que tengo que hacer o que podria hacer...