
  1. nikhilyadav

    My device redmi note 7s has been booting in recovery mode

    My redmi note 7s device is not booting and repeatedly going in recovery. My bootloader is locked. It has qualcomm cpu. How can I recover it?
  2. T

    Qualcomm Modems

    Hello, I have a rooted (Magisk) Mi 10 lite 5g. I am trying to read/write AT Commands via USB to the Qualcomm Modems of the phone (with Windows 10 OS). I already enabled the required interfaces with setprop sys.usb.config diag,diag_mdm,qdss,qdss_mdm,serial_cdev,serial_cdev_mdm,dpl,rmnet,adb I...
  3. K

    the sensors stop completely working on my redmi note 8

    so basically when i turn on my phone it works fine, but after like 15 minutes it just completely stops working and i have to reboot my redmi note 8 to get them workong again, meaning i can't play racing games, rotate my phone for anything, including compass, either i have to reboot or wait 30...
  4. I

    Redmi Note 4 Fastboot Mode Not Working Properly

    hai so i just bought this phone, and long story short, the fastboot mode (volume down+power) will only display for about 10 seconds and then it will reboots itself into charging mode. doesn't matter if i use the key, or even use adb commands to get there. it will still reboot itself in short...
  5. Dwosky

    Phone Stuck In Edl/qualcomm Usb Despite Flashing Via Miflash

    This morning I wake to my phone being completely unresponsive with black screen. No button seemed to work nor the led once I plug in to the power outlet. Checking the forum I've seen this could happen and means the phone might be bricked. I plugged it to the laptop and luckyly it found it as a...
  6. DBdesmo

    My Experience In Bootloader Unlocking

    Dear all, I would like to share with you my experience in unloking bootloader process after nougat update. I applied for the unlock authorization at least 1 year ago and I recieved the approval SMS after becoming a diamond member and after 1 month from the request. I unlocked many redmi note 3...
  7. P

    How To Enable Qualcomm Diagnostics Port To Add Lte B20

    Hello, I own a Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime on the Xiaomi.eu 6.12.1 Build. I was interested in enable the B20 band since it is disabled by default and can be done on the device, people on en.miui.com forums have already done it. The problem is that to do that I need to enable the Qualcomm Diagnostics...
  8. zsoltsandor

    Galileo (european Sat Nav) For Qualcomm Cpus?

    The European Space Agency and the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency have been actively developing a navigation system designed for European needs. This is Galileo. Quite some satellites are already operational, the latest batch of sats launched on the 17th of November this...
  9. R

    Stuck In A Bootloop

    When I bought the note 3 the vol down button was broken. Not thinking this was a big deal, I continued to try and flash the Chinese dev rom. I did something wrong and my phone is now bricked. when you try to start it, the phone shows Mi for a few seconds then restarts to try again. Then it shuts...
  10. wolfanger

    Huge Battery-savings With Qualcomm´s Mpdecision For Qualcomm Devices
