
  1. C

    How are the Xiaomi 11 Ultra after a year?

    Hi everyone, I would like to get a xiaomi 11 ultra or maybe 12 ultra. It's the first time I've tried to buy a Xiaomi, I don't know what to expect in terms of reliability. In terms of construction they seem well done, in terms of technical specifications and quality of the cameras they are at...
  2. Y

    Purchases in Dual Apps

    Hello community, I've noticed that the option for in app purchases in duplicated apps is not available. Is there any way of enabling in app purchases in those apps ?
  3. M

    Help Smartphone Purchase Process

    Hola, Me llamo Miguel Cárcamo, en mi TFG (para finalizar mis estudios) estoy analizando el proceso de compra de smartphones. ¿Por favor, si tienes 5 minutos, puedes ayudarme respondiendo al cuestionario o compartiéndolo con otras personas que hayan comprado un smartphone...