
  1. S

    New to xiaomi and

    Hi. I'm brand new to xiami in general, I got a redmi note 13 pro 5G last week and there's a bunch of stuff (like ads) and the whole chinese spyware ("supposed") thing going on, that's enough to scare me away from it a little bit. I considered getting a different phone but I found this forum and...
  2. T

    Reinstall after stuck at Fastboot - Newbie Question

    UPDATE I used the fastboot_update_rom script and everything works fine now :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, I messed up. I didn't read properly and installed the latest Update on my MIX 4 via the TWRP...
  3. T

    Questions before "upgrading" to ROM

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this community, so please forgive me for my questions :) I'm using a Mi MIX 2S 128 GB and now that Xiaomi is supporting the device less and less I wanted to extend its life circle and upgrade to But I have a few questions. First: Are normal MIUI Backups...
  4. T

    Android Pay And Other Questions

    Hi All Could you help the following question for a newbie who received there mi5s few days ago +How do i get the weather app to update the weather on the app as it shows the wrong temperature as per the screenshot updated. Also how do i get the weather on the lock screen wish it was that...
  5. A

    App Drawers On Redmi Note 4?

    Please excuse me if this has already been dealt with however I did read through most of the current note 4 threads and didn't see it. I've just bought a note 4, deca core, it's running Miui global 8.0 stable, (MBFMIDG) This is my first step away from android, and I really miss being...