
  1. DarKnight2174

    Mi Sound enhancer not working

    Hello guys. I'm currently on Stable V12.5.7.0 lavender and everything seems fine but this huge detail. The Mi Sound Enhancer won't work. Not with wired or Bluetooth earphones. Is there a way to fix this bug with a magisk module? Not ViperFX or something like that. I prefer the Mi Sound...
  2. A

    New BUG in lavender on MIUI 12 stable

    the same bug that occurred on MIUI 11, is occurring here on MIUI 12, the famous audio bug, that in one moment the audio is muted and in other moments it comes out with sound, mainly using a headset microphone via P2 cable it is not my phone nor my cell phone as it is working perfectly in the...
  3. X

    Question About anti-rollback protection

    Hello! I have one question, i heard about the anti rollback protection and i was very unsure to upgrade and downgrade at all because i thought, as soon as i do it, i will break it. So i decided i download the latest fastboot firmware for the Redmi Note 7 Global V10.3.10.0.PFGMIXM i checked the...
  4. Akr0n

    Live WP on lavender

    I've just discovered that I can use a live wallpaper created by myself as stated here: Anyway once I've created it and putted into the right folder, when I try to set it as a wp the result is a full black static wallpaper. I can't understand why since...
  5. marcosvp

    Lavender: Some apps force-close/refuse to load, reboot fixes it for a while. It returns

    Hello everyone, First of all, huge thanks to the developers for their hard work. Have been using this ROM on my Xiaomi devices for years. Sadly, I've developed a problem with my Redmi Note 7 Lavender. It is running the latest weekly build (9.6.5). This same behavior was seen on the previous two...