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  1. Nihat

    Güncel durum bildirimim

    Güncel durum bildirimim
  2. Nihat


    Hi Guys; whynoupdatefor each model, orcan be, even forthe HTCSensation ?
  3. Nihat

    Changelog MIUI ROM 3.7.26 Changelog

    When the DLNA feature is added or inserted? HTC Sensation also have originally
  4. Nihat


    Do not have an OTA update for Sensation. Also for the first time using MIUI i'am using MIUI V5 3.7.19
  5. Nihat

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    or I could not or did not
  6. Nihat

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    Hi, I still have the problem ? solved the problem in Turkish? I'm Using HTC Sensation 4G and MIUI v5 3.7.19 Turkish Characters: Number 2 : ç - Ç Number 4 : Ğ - ğ - ı - İ Number 6 : ö - Ö Number 7 : Ş - ş Number 8 : ü - Ü
  7. Nihat


    When it comes to the HTC Sensation ?