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  1. samuaz

    How to have folders auto close after app launch

    +1 Quick how-to please i like make it for miui spanish.. tanx
  2. samuaz

    rotation lag

    +1 sooooo sloww anda lag!! Nexus One
  3. samuaz

    Requests for next releases

    I'd like to in future versions incorporate both 1. text launcher icons are in bold, as in a version that was about 4 weeks ago 2. re-incorporate the old system to return the call when one was in the home or other application, was a green bar above that said again on the call and put it on...
  4. samuaz

    MIUI crashes when USB tethering is enabled

    +1 same problem here on nexus one 1.5.27
  5. samuaz

    A few bugs

    edit facebook contact in the phonebook gives fc
  6. samuaz

    Keyboard closing when Charging

    I also happens when the phone is not charging! is quite uncomfortable and frustrating, I hope it repaired as soon as possible
  7. samuaz

    pressing quckly folders on dock = launcher FC - MIUI 12.03

    Pressing quickly several times in a folder that is in the dock for example to open and close the folder = the launcher FC Greetings
  8. samuaz

    [ROM] miui-n1-0.11.12-deodexed-in-Spanish

    Apside tengo problemas con la camara si se toman fotos continuamente llega momento que da fc o la camara se pone lenta y al dar forzar cierre ya no abre y hay que reiniciar el n1, creo q es por el kernel podrias ponrr un zip flashable con el kernel original porfavor saludos y gracias
  9. samuaz

    [ROM] miui-n1-0.11.12-deodexed-in-Spanish

    esooooo apside!! descargandola xD, tios no ingles que este es nuestro pedacito del foro en full español pa que entendamos todos xD saludos