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  1. ltpitt

    New [2.9.14][NS-CRESPO] bug with lock screen

    Hi all! I have exactly the same problem on 2.4.6 Any hints? Sent from my Liquid MT using Tapatalk 2
  2. ltpitt

    Contact shortcut

    Thank you for this info: still useful today :) Only problem, for me, is that I can't see my contact picture on home shortcut... Any hints? Sent from my Liquid MT using Tapatalk 2
  3. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    @Lens_flare I don't want to bother but what is obvious to you probably isn't that clear to others that are ignorant about communication technology (to me ruim and cdma are pure arab) :) I just wanted to ask UhSiracu if other Italian providers' sims work without problems because I could just...
  4. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Hi UhSiracu! I see you're Italian too... Do you have APN problems? Which kind of carrier and sim / usim you have? I have a Vodafone 128k and its data is not working on MIUI and CM7...
  5. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Hi all... I've tried latest version and I (of course) still have problem with my Italian Usim and APN. I've tried using the phone without USIM inserted and I've added an apn: didn't save apn even without sim inserted. Why should we ask lg devs? Is some lg component used for MIUI? Coming from...
  6. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Where can i find them to bribe'em? :)
  7. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    That is news! If help is needed for website (joomla or WordPress) I'm here. will miui going opensource be a help to get data to poor italian users without apn? :)
  8. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    If we can help sending data, logcats, tortellini or cannelloni just ask. :)
  9. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    News seem horrible: *_*
  10. ltpitt

    MIUI Community - What device do you want to see running MIUI?

    Acer liquid metal. Acer. Liquid. Metal. Hooray for MIUI (and lensflare) U_U
  11. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    This is what I call bad news:
  12. ltpitt

    [dev]MIUIandroid-Liquid Mt port

    Hi all! I've just installed this rom and I'm really stunned :) The only problem I have is that my sim is not working (Vodafone Italy) and I can't unlock it because when I turn on the phone it doesn't ask me for pin. If I try to disable pin lock it says that I've entered wrong pin but of...