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  1. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I Still Cant Get It To Work On My ThunderbolT. Also What version In The new One? thanks For The Help
  2. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    1.10.21/ 1.10.28/ 1.11.11/ 1.11.18/ 1.11.4/ What one is the new version? Also what Kernel workes with this? Even though I cant even install it as ROM manager doesnt like it. Also whats MIUIsettings ?
  3. M

    Launcher MOD

    would love to see this work for the thunderbolt :)
  4. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I should have said I did both. This is what I see Assert fail : is_mounted("/system") E:Error in /sdcard/download/ (status 7) Installation aborted. :(
  5. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    When installing I get an error in rom manager it just wont install for me :( Any ideas people?