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  1. matax91

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    well I've tried installing it a couple of times the different ways you said in the OP but it never shows up. Then I saw in the most recent post you said to install the APK so I opened the zip with astro and looked at both of those APK's and it says they are already installed but they can't be...
  2. matax91

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I seem to be having trouble getting this thing to install. I have an HTC Droid Incredible and the latest version of miui (at the time 12.19 or whatever I think)
  3. matax91

    Phone keeps turning off

    How do I do this? I get looking for that file but where will it be located and if it is there how do I got about flashing a new one, I'm assuming there are probably certain radios that work with miui and some that don't so I want to get the right one
  4. matax91

    Phone keeps turning off

    So I had this problem before on the 8.26 build and it was doing it like 10 times a day, so someone told me to update to the new version which I did but it is still shutting off on me. Yestarday it did it to me 4 times I have a Droid incredible