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  1. H

    MIUI 13 22.5.18

    and Mi10s too, Keyboard sometimes unsusable add whatsapp
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    New Roaming Error Weekly 12.12.8 / Mi 10S

    Hello *all, I have the following bug: Roaming works only when overseas Roaming is activated. My region is german and I am currently in austria. So normal Roaming should work. Mi 10S with weekly 12.12.8 thx Helmut
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    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    Weekly ROM Mi 10S: Lost WiFi Connection to Car's Wifi (Audi) Hello, since Android 12 I lost the Connection to Car Wifi every 2-3 min and the it reconnect from itself. It happend only at the Car's WIFI, all other WiFI's working proper. In Android 11 weekly it works flavously thx
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    MIUI 12.6 21.8.25/26

    First Impressions on MI 10s (thyme) everything (except whatsapp Cleaner) works like a charme
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    Mi 10s TWRP

    Hello *all I found this on my search on google (Mods: Is is allowed to post links?). My Question: Is this a serious TWRP, official? Does anybody know this? Thx
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    [GUIDE] How to install ROM for Xiaomi MI10S

    Yes! I did it today (12.0.8) after unlocked the bootloader. I seem's to be fine.
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    Moonlight roms[Linaro- sabermod toolchain]

    Hallo moonlight, i have the Bluetooth issue on the latest carbon rom too. when I connect the phone with my car unit the Bluetooth crash and the phone gets disconnected repetly. Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
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    Phone short circuit / surface leakage current or other Power related Problem

    Hallo *all, since 3/4 Month my Phone's Battery only last for max. 10 hours. i noticed 10% Power degree/hour regardless of which rom i used, allways the same. even when the phone is power off, the battery lost power. Strange behaviour: when i connect a usb car charger which have a led-light or...
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    Moonlight roms[Linaro- sabermod toolchain]

    beanstalk; bluetooth crash all time I connect the phone to my car device Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk
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    MI-2S Very Fast Battery Drain Problem

    Hallo "ShuffleInc"! I have the same problem - my battery last not longer as 10 hours, even which rom i use. i didn't found any significant wakelock or anything else that kill's my battery. It occur since two month, i didn't know why. the only reason i guess is: i overheated my phone with a...
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    when i shutdown the phone with charger connected, the charging animation is shown after power off. without charger connected the phone stays off. the msm_otg is gone after pushed up the tongue in the plug. but after this the battery life wasn`t much better. i dont know what the problem is. at...
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Next BBS-log referring to the log from this morning actually i need to recharge my phone twice a day and over night - without any special usage - strange!!! thx
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Hello redmaner, as attachment a bbs-logfile from this morning (now 65% accu left). Usage: no calls only checked mails install llama over mobile network /Edit found at xda developers for msm_otg wakelock -> This ghost charging / wakelock is caused by damaged usb miniport. When I pulled...
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Hello peanar, thx for your reply - i'll test it. Today i collect data (BBS & WLD) with my normal usage. Monday (same Location for corresponding results) with your tip. Ha
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Hello Vidar, i know, eplus have not the best mobile signal coverage, but "Aldi Talk" gives some advantage for my whole family (all members use "Aldi talk"). We live at a "white laction" at the mobile/dsl infrastruktur... For my problem: today i started with a fully charged phone at 6 AM and...
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Hello redmaner, thanks for your info. i delete the entire content at the init.d-folder created by WIUI. But I’m not sure that this have any effect about my short battery lifetime... At the Battery Information Mobile Signal are on top (second after screen on). My Network-Signal isn't good at the...
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    [MI2/MI2S][KERNEL] MiCore 010 for MIUI | Linaro | UV | OC

    Hello *all, since a few weeks i have a problem with massive battery drain on my xiaomi mi2. i've tested a lot of rom's (miui,wiui, cm 4.2 - 4.4, mokee and so on) nothing helps. now i read something about your kernel with replacing the mpdecision with intelli_plug - great hope for more than one...