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  1. D

    Haptic feedback mod?

    Is there one available to control the haptic feedback? CM7 has this feature. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hi Andy, I don't know if this has been asked before but is it possible to include an option to remove the signal bars and the 3G or 4G icon? Love this mod! I can see why others say that they can't use MIUI without it.
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Found it. Thanks mate. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I installed 1.10.8. It works but I don't have the control settings app like I normally would. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Reboot into recovery and reflash MIUI. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Very cool. Thanks man! Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    You can remove the carrier text or create custom text or put an icon instead. You can remove the clock, hide AM/PM, hide the alarm icon, format the day and date, and customize the overscroll/bounce settings. Really is a great mod. Hard to live without once you have it. Really hoping we get an...
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Reboot into recovery, mount system, flash the file and reboot. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Flashing MIUI should return it to normal. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    MIUI ROM FOR HTC DROID INCREDIBLE 2 Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    Was 1.9.23 pulled?

    My updater says that I'm up-to-date with 1.9.16. MIUI.US doesn't have it and ROM Manager does not have it either. I'm on a DInc2. What's going on? :?
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Is it possible to create an option to remove the signal bars and 3G symbol? Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Yup, home key function is gone. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    What are the date formats?
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Thank you very much!
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Could someone help me with mounting and installing this? The flash didn't take. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I tried flashing but it didn't take. I'm using a DInc2. How exactly do you mount the system and get this working? I'm a noob. Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk