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  1. H

    Password manager have sync error

    I had disable manager password of xaomi x70 ultra. But I can't find autofill service from Google in privacy. Sometimes need function enter password ít shows ít face. I turn off but just uninstall ít can sold my problem.
  2. H

    Password manager have sync error

    I will not buy any product that just support china version. It hard to use outside china. They have some app that can not be uninstall . Like Getapps or Password manager. They are not working and they don't allow another app works. You can't change default application in settings.
  3. H

    Password manager have sync error

    I used Redmi k70 ultra android 15. HyperOs I traded on Coinbase and Passwords manager always appear to activate. It want I use it to save passwords but I don't want to use it. Everytime turn it on it said sync error with service. I want to uninstall it but I can't. What should I do now