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  1. G

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Same here, also 13 pro and camera seems a bit worse than on
  2. G

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Is there any changelog on latest releases of these days? Today I installed on Nuwa after 3 months from Just to know if something important changed.
  3. G

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    I have this problem too on nuwa. Anyone knows if it can be enabled?
  4. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.2.19/20/25

    Same problem here also in NUWA, Google Play Service crashing. Deleted cache on Google Play Services and Wallet and also done the old adb compile commands: adb shell pm compile -a -f --full adb shell reboot Seems no crashes now but can't add my account to Wallet, shows all my Google accounts...
  5. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.2.19/20/25

    You lucky, here 4 hours downloading and 4 still left. Dunno why sourceforge not adding mirrors today, other builds had several mirror in a fes hours
  6. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.2.19/20/25

    Search for "buttons" in settings, on system navigation screen, where you choose if want to use gestures or buttons. Enable the "hide full screen indicator" or something like that (I have phone in spanish). That worked for me.
  7. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.29

    Nuwa all updated ok but now I have a big zone under the keyboard (gboard) that wasn't there on older roms. On other phones I had that "issue" and there was an option to show or no the "hide keyboard button", but can't find it here. Happens to anyone else? Before, have only this image with...
  8. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.15/16

    In english the AOD is the "correct" format. Seems that AOD has not been translated yet. (I use greek format, but I don't use AOD hehe) Edit: just for curiosity I enabled AOD and in spanish it's translated and format ok for here (23/1)
  9. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.15/16

    Have this become a dictatorship where people is not being permitted to opine about if something should be possible to do or not? Where people is harassed because they just show up a problem or a bug? And it doesn't come from .EU Team, it comes from normal users that may think they do something...
  10. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.15/16

    Changelog is on second post, I think that message is only about the translations
  11. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.15/16

    Give it time to the gallery to ceash.. as eveeeeery week. Problem already reported and not on changelog so..
  12. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    Doing a not so quick search the gallery bug and only temp fix is present to many users including at least fuxi.
  13. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    Ok, then it's normal 5g, seems strange. If you dial *#*#4636#*#* go to info of your sim slot, what do you have on preffered network? Take note of original exact option before playing with it
  14. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    On my phone, under mobile network, select my sim slot I can choose my preffered network: 5g, 4g, 3g or only 2g. On the previous menu I can also enable use SA. Most of 5g networks are deployed at this moment as NSA, that means that the phone connects to 4g for signaling of the phone but can add...
  15. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    Sure, but then say clear on posts that this is a temp fix and not a fix, because maybe devels can feel that feedback is that the problem is gone when it's not.
  16. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    Nuwa fails also
  17. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    People just report that the problem is still there, no one demand anything, just report the info to the devels, and hope someday it can be fixed. But answer people with a fake fix is not a solution, and have been happenning for several releases. Ppl say, hey, gallery still crash. And some come...
  18. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

    People should stop repeating about the adb commands as a fix for the gallery when it's just TEMP fix as for last weeks. It never works forever, it works with luck for a few hours. Its not a fix, it shouldn't even be on second post quoted as a fix, lots and lots of users report every week that...
  19. G

    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.1/2/3

    Is this for every country or have to enable something? I dont see that option and never saw it. All the interface is the same but dont have that button
  20. G

    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    I'm using "Gallery" from Google. Simple and perfect for me.