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  1. M


    When I flash the rom for my S3 I get a error that says: Error 7. any ideas ?
  2. M

    MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.10.26 [ICS & JB]

    When will swedish be included ? Or is it already included ?
  3. M

    Screen buttons

    Ive spent the last 3 hours trying to flash a rom. System ui mixed up something so I couldnt flash miui anymore I give up on this :/
  4. M

    Screen buttons

    Now Im trying to get them on the middle of the screen not on the left side. Then I think I'll release a falshable zip
  5. M

    Screen buttons

    Yeah, but I made the soft buttons smaller so you can still use all the buttons even though a little part of them are cut off. And this is only in the camera app
  6. M

    Screen buttons

    Yeah, thats my Sgs II. I used that link from your other post here.
  7. M

    Screen buttons

    Looks sexy, right ?
  8. M

    Screen buttons

    ahh okey, thanks. Yeah I mean the screen buttons.
  9. M

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.23 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    Replace the mms.apk with the mms.apk from 2.3.16 and it works :)
  10. M

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.23 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    I did this with the rom before I flashed it and it works! :) EDIT: getting message app FC
  11. M

    Screen buttons

    Anyone ?
  12. M

    Screen buttons

    On Miui 4 there is a feautre to desible the buttons(home, back,menu) but is there a way to get them on the screen just like on Galaxy Nexus ? Im on SGS II.
  13. M

    Resolved 2.3.16 BUGS

    From SGS II When I want to select a app to protect with pattern the settings app crashes. Camera is from Samsung ICS (not that I mind :D ) The phone sometimes works slow. There are two calender apps. and the lockbutton stops working sometimes, dont know why. and some icons are too big e.g
  14. M

    1.12.16 wont update

    I download the OTA update and after installing it still showed 1.12.9 , then I downloaded the ROM from here and after installing it again still the same , though I can see some changes , I guess only the settings is showing the old version. Im on i9100.
  15. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    When I kill all the apps the app drawer doesnt work untill I enable it again from the Miui Controll Panel Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  16. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Same here. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  17. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    The new "app drawer" is really good! Thanks for your work! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  18. M

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    After installing this , if you open a folder it looks really weird.
  19. M

    MIUI 1.10.21 - I9100 Bugs

    Mine says 1.10.21
  20. M

    MIUI 1.10.21 - I9100 Bugs

    I thought I should tell the bugs that I see so maybe the devs will fix them on the comming relases. High and HD video recording doesnt work. If i turn off the phone then plug in the charger the phone will turn on after showing the charging animation for 5-10 secs. The softkeys lights...