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  1. sgladysz

    Mi 11 Ultra navigation buttons double tapping

    Ive tried with and without tempered glass. The same situation happen..... Beside that Im using a tempered glass with UV glue. The problem starts to begin on ROM 13.0.8. on prevoius firmware Ive never had this issue. It happen on some apps more often than on others. It seems that its a issue...
  2. sgladysz

    Mi 11 Ultra navigation buttons double tapping

    Its a piece of s****. I sent it to official xiaomi service. It send it back with information that everything is ok, and they only updated the software. It didn't help. This problem still ocure. I have a plan to buy a new phone to my daughter, but now it for sure won't be a shi.... xiaomi.
  3. sgladysz

    MIUI 14 22.12.19/21

    No. It starts to begin with the 13.x version just after update. Using native resolution and 60hz it happening less than on 120hz and FHD resolution. On 120hz it occur on every tap (for example taping back in Twitter app exits application and I feel by haptic feedback that back event was fired...
  4. sgladysz

    MIUI 14 22.12.19/21

    Is this version still contain this issue with multiple tapping back/home/apps navigation buttons? The phone is totally useless, and Xiaomi are not fixing this annoying issue..
  5. sgladysz

    Mi 11 Ultra navigation buttons double tapping

    OMFG... I was waiting for the latest firmware because I was sure that they fixed this issue. It was my last xiaomi phone.. I'll never buy this s....
  6. sgladysz

    New Phantom, false, duplicate, clicks at the bottom of the xiaomi mi 11 screen

    The same problem in MiUI 13.0.8 EU version, with Mi11
  7. sgladysz

    Mi 11 Ultra navigation buttons double tapping

    The same problem at Mi11 MiUI 13.0.8 EU version. Changing resolution to WQHD+ causes that the problem happen less often, but it still occur..
  8. sgladysz

    New Mi 11 - MIUI 13.0.8 Very weird bug please help.

    Hi, did you solve this problem? I have the same on my Mi11 with miui 13.0.8. Pressing navigation buttons on screen border cause a several button press.. if I hold my finger on the screen border it pressing the nav buttons all the times, several times per second.. the very strange because...