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  1. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    I followed the instructions and it worked !! Thank you very much !
  2. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    First of all, thank you very much for your answer and the attempt to help, I really appreciate it! Second thing, I followed the process you listed, but when I connect the phone in Fastboot mode to the computer, it does not recognize my mobile device at all.... images attached What to do from...
  3. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    Thank you for sharing the link to the guide. I read the instructions in the manual and didn't quite understand what to do... I don't know which Recovery File to choose... I don't know how to do the process even after reading what is written several times... Attached is a picture of the guide...
  4. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    Ok. I tring to update but not successful... You can write my for dummies steps how to do this please
  5. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    I set new pin pattern and it still the same. The twrp no asking for set pin at all... Also i can't access the internal storage to select the rom... See the images..
  6. tzacho

    12s ultra - can not find the rom in Recovery

    Hello everyone, I am also stuck with the exact same problem with the 12S ULTRA How do you update the TWRP version?