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  1. F

    Pad 5 Widevine L1/L3

    no other solution, full wipe worked for me since the beginning.
  2. F

    Pad 5 Widevine L1/L3

    After the wipe it works fine and no revert to L3 till now, great for streaming movies!
  3. F

    Pad 5 Widevine L1/L3

    Hi ! I did a full wipe and it's back L1 on both DRM info and Netflix. EU ROM stock of course.
  4. F

    Pad 5 Widevine L1/L3

    Hi dears I've the same issue! Bought it since few minutes, it comes with Netflix preinstalled, and it was working fine but the app suddenly stopped working and turned to widewine L3 in SD mode, now DRM info says I have L3 and it sucks! Btw there's no fingerprint setup as suggested above , any clue?