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  1. brasscupcakes

    Long Press on "Back Button" doesn't force close Apps on new phone -- why, please?

    Thank you so much! My menu hierarchy is missing the "gesture shortcuts" header but button shortcuts is still there. Really grateful, it's the one shortcut I can't do without!
  2. brasscupcakes

    Long Press on "Back Button" doesn't force close Apps on new phone -- why, please?

    Hi there, I am a long time Xiaomi phone user like most here and I am extremely attached to long pressing the "Back Button" in order to force close an app. But this option is not working on the new phone I bought today (Redmi Note 9 Note). I saw one other report of this in a forum from 2020 but...
  3. brasscupcakes

    How can they design a phone with no LED light?

    Did you ever find a workaround? I just bought the Redmi Note 9T. Somehow, even though I red there wasn't a notification light, I somehow thought something -- anything -- would still indicate the phone is connected to a charger when you've got the phone turned off but plugged in. The older my...