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  1. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    I have same from today. Until yesterday was working fine with Modul from 29.02.2024 today I got fail anyone have same issue ?
  2. V

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Hmm for Xiaomi 12 pro not on listed but have weekly ROM
  3. V


    Hi is their was change dpi for app, not that I change whole dpi, Like when I set screen to xs the app are small, I only want that screen whohle are xs and app have s. I have only issue with agc cam app that only work with Display S with xs is screen in rotation mode
  4. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Working now thk
  5. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    From yesterday night my device is not certified it was ok all, Xiaomi 11 Pif yesterday flash 14,5 Magisk kitsune Deny list for Google and bank Zygisk enabled Shamikon 0.75 Lsposed Are that again down ?
  6. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Yes is work for me
  7. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Yes I have same issue, when I reflash I called to Barmer. Explain etc did not ask about root it ask for what problem.can not pass, I told I reset my smartphone, if reflash need have new code to register. I waiting my new code I will let you know
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    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    That Barmer app ?
  9. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    No that what I have , Do only pif v13.4 all other not muss add deny list that Google and banking app also clear cache of google service wallet play
  10. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Do use with magisk delta, first uninstall magisk reboot, Flash with magisk delta and zygin enable reboot, play intergerty fix reboot then hide Deny list, for Google Dienst, Google wallet, Google play, Commerzbank Phototan then last one Clear cache for Google play, Dienst, wallet reboot
  11. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    I use kernelsu, why I changed i see 2 different. Magisk by default all app are root, need to make deny list for app that not detect as root. (Umount) KernelSU default all app umount, I have to set few app to root, I wish that kernelsu should work with miui only if dev can make
  12. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Enforydeny list should stay off Clear all Google cache wallet, service , framework and have you play intergerty 13.1 v on and reboot
  13. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    No need select hide app just flash install kernelsu app that all, where want root by app you can select app to root
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    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    I have use kernsu by darkmoon I don't know if that work you Xiaomi. That easy way and less modul here I show pic. I would too that kernsu for Xiaomi build Flash with twrp or by side load.
  15. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Yes it work for me
  16. V

    [TWRP][OFRP][PBRP] List of relevant recovery in one place

    i read on xda have twrp for mi11 from xda Since nobody posted anything recovery / twrp related and orangefox is outdated, i decided to port over TWRP for easy flash and usage for AOSP roms. huge thanks to SKKK for making TWRP for our device in the first place! to install this TWRP, you need to...
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    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Habe you set that deny list and zygisk enable? clear data of Google Play Google Service Google Wallet ?
  18. V

    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    I try use my Commerzank App their still show root detect, and yet my Wallet ist working with PayPal, but cant add My Visa Card to wallet from IngDiba, 2, My AXA insurance is passed working, 3. Deutschland Card Ok 4. Barmer Healt Insurnace detect ROOT 5. Sparkasse Mobile and s-Push OK 6. Indiba...
  19. V

    Resolved Google wallet stopped working/Device doesn't meet security requirements

    no all red the pervourse have Basic Intergrity was pass the rest 3 FAIL by TB Cheker