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  1. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    I am probably not going to update for some months or till there are significant changes. :)
  2. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    Alright, today - to my surprise - I'm not encountering any animation lag. Everything seems to work and this Rom doesn't feel like a Beta. It is extremely stable. I'd say battery drain is currently the same as with stable but I'll see after some charge cycles.
  3. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    This seems plausible. Also another people in Telegram groups are also saying launcher is lagging somewhat. Well it's not a big issue but I hope Xiaomi adresses it. Some people replace the inbuild launcher with another .apk often.
  4. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    Uh yeah, I was coming from stable to Weekly (But it's a clean flash) and that launcher lag was the first thing I've noticed, which never happened on stable though. This is why I'm a little bit surprised since I kinda like weekly more than stable (Stable has more bugs but no lag since first day...
  5. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    I did reboot it twice already. Once after device configuration and once after I've installed all apps (Gpay and so on)
  6. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    You think so? I've never seen such behavior on stable. Also it's just animations from the launcher, all in-app animations are very smooth.
  7. Hibarikun

    MIUI 12.5 21.2.3/4

    For some reason, after clean flashing this Rom on Cepheus (Mi 9) it seems some animations lag, though I believe it's only launcher animations. Any solution here? (I don't use Magisk)