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  1. L

    New [21.03.03][21.03.10] Redmi Note 8 - Widevine L1 lost

    Yep, I thought this weekly rom would fix it :(
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    MIUI 12.5 21.3.3/5

    I can confirm that on RN8, widevine change form L1 to L3, just tried a fresh install on another phone.
  3. L

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    In the last weekly rom, RN8 widevine level change from L1 to L3
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    MIUI 12.5 21.3.3/5

    On my RN8 widevine level change from L1 to L3. Can somebody confirm if is just me?
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.27/28

    All is working fine on RN8, but New super wallpaper isn't there
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.20/21

    no problem here, I can open 6 apps without problems.
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.20/21

    I don't have these problems on my RN8
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.13/14

    This is by far the best rom I've tested on RN8
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    Picture in Picture doesn't work
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    Clean flash on RN8 here: -Widevine Level is L1: -Safetynet pass: -Performance is similar to previus Miui 12 roms, a little laggy here and there but nothing serious -There is an annoying "Xiaomi Sim activation" notification that appears very often, same with the cleaner app -Due that now it's...
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    Since RN8 gingko is updated to Android 11, many apps can't access to external sd card. is there any fix?
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    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    But I just install it, and it says MIUI 12.5 in System Settings
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    MIUI 12.3 20.12.9/10

    I, how can I do a clean install if decrypt doesn't work?
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    MIUI 12.3 20.12.9/10

    It's very laggy on RN8, apps take forever to open
  15. L

    MIUI 12.2 20.10.22

    Hi. I have installed this rom on my RN8 and all works great, Widevine level is correct(L1), banking apps works withot problems and battery life is better than stock. Thanks to all devs