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  1. InfamouZ


    Please let me know what it can be, I don't have my proximity sensor anymore and that drives me crazy. Note that I've a custom kernel, but this problem appeared before the custom kernel. Thank you so much Edit: I rebooted and it's working now. Seems random
  2. InfamouZ


    Same here. I think the Google Assistant button feature is not included here Edit: fixed by going into app menu and setting Google as Assist app
  3. InfamouZ


    Can anyone confirm if the proximity sensor is not working on this rom or I'm the only one? (Redmi note 7
  4. InfamouZ


    Hey there, ROM is working fine, but I noticed the proximity sensor is disabled. It can't be seen doing the hardware test, or listening to an audio, a call.. how can I fix it if possible? Thanks