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  1. T

    Invalid Bluetooth on == slow wifi speed mi9

    Hi guys, running EU Mi9 9.8.1, just noticed a bug, using Bluetooth headphones makes wifi speed connection drop to 1/2MB, if I disable Bluetooth it goes normal 40MB/s any idea whats causing this and how to solve it please.
  2. T

    Mi9 video problems, black lines.

    Hello guys just installed the ROM, i'm happy with it, but on stock camera in video, all modes, all fps, i see black lines moving like bands, Anti bands is in auto and lines are visible after recording, watching the video, not only in the phone, any idea?
  3. T

    Is there a way to download fastboot images or create one?

    Hello, wondering if there is a way to create a fastboot image in order to flash a image using linux with like a stock firmware, thank you in advance!