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  1. V

    Mi Router app not working correctly?

    Hmmm I don't think that's what the guy meant, looks like he can't browse the contents of the HD plugged to the router over the phone. You could enable SAMBA for the phone on the router settings app. In order to browse the contents of the HD from my PC I had to tap my PC from the "connected...
  2. V

    Mi Router app not working correctly?

    nice! Were you able to get the storage feature working fine?? I just can't reach my storage drive with the APP when I'm out of the WiFi network (i can reach the router, see its status, browse the drive contents, but I can't open any file). Also, when I'm on the router's network I can only get...
  3. V

    Mi Router 3 Pro(R3P) w/ external HD stuck on USB 2.0 mode

    Guys, I've plugged an external 3.0 USB drive into my router but it seems like I can't get transfer speeds over 30 MB/s, as if the whole thing was working on USB 2.0 mode. Has anyone ever experienced this? These rates were obtained moving files over the HD and also when I tried to copy stuff...
  4. V

    Mi Router app not working correctly?

    It took me a LOT to get this working but now it looks like I've made it! On the APP I had to specify that my Region was Mainland China, tough. My current specs are: Router: ROM 2.16.15 (Stable) APP: 4.0.6 (Stable) Good luck, Vitor