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  1. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    Hey here is what I did for anyone coming here, 1. Download and install Xiaomi Mi Flash Tool from here: 2. Download latest China developer Rom from here:
  2. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    Right now I really appreciate the gesture system of miui, but a good pixel rom would be best so I see what you mean ;)
  3. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    It boots! \o/ Man thanks a lot for your help! Really had a feeling it would brick...
  4. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot This seems right?
  5. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    I would try but where do I find the ROM? Following the link you sent me there is no official Mi8 SE ROM it seems, and Miflash only accepts those, right?
  6. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    Thanks Hydro for your answer, I want to try this, but I read here that it would relock the bootloader and brick the phone, isn't that correct?
  7. clemclemclem

    Mi8 SE stuck with only fastboot

    Hello everyone, I have been struggling for the past two days, since I received the phone in the post (3 months to get here..), initially to get gapps to work. I received an unnoficial version installed by the seller with gapps on it but I was unable to login on google from any of the apps so I...