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  1. Mamoun


    As the reply before me, I'm not sure what the quick replies feature does, I enabled it and apparently in the list there is no whatsapp to be selected (does it detect it by default) and pressing notifications from that app doesn't do anything different?
  2. Mamoun


    Thank you, weirdly enough all other devices don't get the 5ghz network when I set it to a channel that is lower in number to the current one. So it might be that my phone doesn't detect the country correctly? I'm in Egypt which should be similar to EU from your list.
  3. Mamoun


    I did, I couldn't come up with a solution, could you guide me to the topic I'm supposed to check please? (I'm not in an eu country)
  4. Mamoun


    It seems to be happening several builds before, but on mix 2 I don't get the 5ghz wifi network. Changing channels did the trick but it's annoying as now my other devices don't detect it, note that with the stock build I had access to it like every device in home. I tried magsik modules, anything...
  5. Mamoun

    Screen off animation

    It's simply a fade out animation, no option for it.
  6. Mamoun

    MIUI 10 users, what would make the ROM perfect for you?

    Do you mean like an "easy access" launcher with big buttons, the way samsung and Huawei do it?
  7. Mamoun

    MIUI Global Notification Style in MIUI By ?

    Check videos of the chinese build on YouTube, I think the intro videos are just for show anyway, even the global ones in the video are not exactly what we currently have.
  8. Mamoun

    MIUI 10 users, what would make the ROM perfect for you?

    Lack of fingerprint gestures is kind of disappointing, I agree.
  9. Mamoun

    MIUI 10 users, what would make the ROM perfect for you?

    I honestly think the clock app in MIUI 9 was more original and prettier than the one in 10, especially the animations.
  10. Mamoun

    An appreciation for this forum

    Hello, just wanted to quickly voice my appreciation for this forum, aside from the fantastic work on the ROMs, this forum has provided a nice place to discuss MIUI roms that is simply not available on the very lineage OS/AOSP centric XDA forums and the medals riddled spam infested MIUI official...
  11. Mamoun


    No I mean there is no setting, I think it's just the screen off animation of a fade out, I don't remember we had that earlier.
  12. Mamoun

    MIUI 10 users, what would make the ROM perfect for you?

    It's exactly why I'm waiting anxiously for proper themes support in 10.
  13. Mamoun

    Quick charge problem

    Yep, today on 8.8.9 I'm getting 2000+ mha charging rate and I definitely confirm that the phone is quick charging. (plugged in with 2% in 1:55, now it's at 25% in 2:13)
  14. Mamoun


    Isn't it just the fade out animation on screen off?
  15. Mamoun

    MIUI Global Notification Style in MIUI By ?

    I think they are exactly the same in 10, I used to have global beta before switching to, given that builds are based on Chinese firmware then Chinese and global are the same.
  16. Mamoun


    Somehow silly suggestion: Did you clear data of the google photos app? What happens if you press the "upload" button manually for each photo? does it upload correctly? Have you enabled google photos in permissions to autostart and to work in background? I think it might be necessary.
  17. Mamoun

    MIUI 10 users, what would make the ROM perfect for you?

    Hello, I have always been a fan of stock android until recently, I'm simply in love with latest MIUI 10 and I think it's a lot more exciting than Android P, but there are some few annoying aspects about it that I wish it would change, like for example the notifications on lock screen and the...
  18. Mamoun

    Quick charge problem

  19. Mamoun

    Hdr Video On The Mix 2?

    I don't think it supports HDR youtube videos from what I have tried. However, it seems to be a software thing because the mi mix 2s have almost the same lcd panel and supports hdr videos.
  20. Mamoun

    Quick charge problem

    It's a hit or miss for me, sometimes it does charge pretty quickly sometimes it doesn't and it seems to be one of the quirks of MIUI 10.