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  1. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    i'm also on 3.1.1-10 and flashed this rom, it works.
  2. Amonleusi

    New 20.12.30 / 21.1.6 (MI9TPro): No deep sleep when loading

    Yes, the option is disabled.
  3. Amonleusi

    New 20.12.30 / 21.1.6 (MI9TPro): No deep sleep when loading

    I've tested it, nothing changed. In normal mode the phone is going into deep sleep, so no problem here, but when i'm loading it, it is "awake". I think nobody else tested it because anyone is looking at battery drain if the phone is not loading.
  4. Amonleusi

    New 20.12.30 / 21.1.6 (MI9TPro): No deep sleep when loading

    okay, i've made a clean install with lastest rom... nothing changed, still the same bug.
  5. Amonleusi

    New 20.12.30 / 21.1.6 (MI9TPro): No deep sleep when loading

    When i'm loading the phone then it doen't go into deep sleep mode. if the phone is unplugged, then it's ok. Screenshot shows states at loading from 12% to 90%.
  6. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 20.12.28/29

    still wondering that nobody else has the "no deep sleep - state" -Bug when loading the phone. loading from 12% to 90% and minumum MHz where 576
  7. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 20.12.28/29

    I also found a bug when i'm loading the phone (MI9T Pro): when it's plugged, then it isn't going into deep sleep. I'm using Battery Charge Limit - App which stops loading at 78% and after getting up i'm wondering why the accu is on 51% (on screenshot is this app disabled to show you the...
  8. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 20.12.28/29

    How? I've the same bug.
  9. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 20.12.28/29

    Thank you. I also testing infinity gestures - they are working.
  10. Amonleusi

    MIUI 12.5 20.12.28/29

    hi there, i made a dirty flash with twrp- and it worked on my MI9T Pro. but is there a solution for the full screen gestures and a 3rd party launcher (like smart launcher) ?? the gestures are only working with the systemlauncher :(
  11. Amonleusi

    New Public WIFI & login/authentification page

    okay, i found the "causer" (got a tip from xda): i have to deactivate private dns then the redirection to the login page is working.
  12. Amonleusi

    New Public WIFI & login/authentification page

    Hi there, I have a problem with any guest or public wifi which are working with login (authentification) pages. The device connects to the wifi, but there is no internet and no redirect to the login page. I tested it on an other non-xiaomi device, when i connect to the wifi, it opens the login...
  13. Amonleusi


    Install this App: Build.PropEditor and add / search a line on the bottom ( infos see here ). Save und restart. This worked for me.
  14. Amonleusi


    Install this App: Build.PropEditor and a line on the bottom ( infos see here ). Save und restart. This worked for me.
  15. Amonleusi


    Will be there a solution for *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* or camera2 api for Mi mix 2?
  16. Amonleusi


    I can confirm that all Google Cam Mods are crashing (i tried 3 or 4 mods) :( Stock camera is working, Video is functional with magisk 19.1& cam2api Modul, no crashes.
  17. Amonleusi


    works good on MiMix2 with Magisk 19.1 @ ingbrzy Thank you for Android 9 on MiMix2, nice suprise.
  18. Amonleusi


    MiMix2: bootloop after flashing.. back to 8.4.4 or 8.3.29 the same: bootloop only option for me: restore a backup and now on 8.4.4