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  1. J

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    I'm using K20 Pro and currently on 9.6.20, but I've been experiencing this bug since 9.6.13 where if you've completed the google account setup, you won't be able to play music or video anymore or the phone will crash. I noticed it's the google setup since i wiped and skipped google setup, then...
  2. J


    K20 Pro, Logcats attached 1. Phone crashes and restarts when playing any music from any app, this test though is using the music player app. 2. Phone crashes and restarts when opening FM Radio app. 3. "Hold Power button for 0.5s to Launch Google Assistant" does not work.
  3. J


    I used adb logcat -v long time, must be the wrong command... what command should i use?
  4. J


    I have K20 Pro on EU 9.6.13 When I play music on any music player app, even third party ones. The phone hangs and restarts. Same thing happens when I open FM Radio app. This logcat though is only for the music player. (somehow the fm radio is also mentioned in the log)
  5. J


    I just installed xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote4X_V9.0.4.0 from weekly and it doesn't seem to have 4k video recording. I did not flash anything else aside from the rom so I know It's not my mods. What version do i need to download to get 4k?? :)