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  1. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    f#+$+ck after installing china developer ROM miui_MIPAD2_6.9.8_9825f7fdbd_5.1 i got some error messages like "error starting Gallery, Android, ...) and same WLAN Problem. AND there was no fastboot mode any more. I had to reflash it with loader.efi and DNX mode (see...
  2. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    ok, unbelivable but ... Someone wrote installing with would help. So i tried to rename the ROM to and install it with the updater APP. I got error "signature verification failed" and i had to reboot. Before this i did a wipe/reset. After next reboot my tablet...
  3. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    i tried, but i don't understand the results. Of course there is no WLAN address. WLAN AP Scan finds nothing (same as "normal" turn on WLAN) In "Additional tools" ("..." right on the top) WLAN test tool i can select antenna 1/1/1+2 The 4 Tx tests i can Run and Stop - just nothing happens. Next 2...
  4. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    now i tried DNX_flash_all.bat from with latte_images_V8.5.1.0.LACCNED_20170527.0000.00_5.1_cn still no search for WLAN then i tried DNX_flash_all_flash_Bios still no search for WLAN (Turning WLAN on ... but nothing happens) Then i tested bluetooth, it works...
  5. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    yes clean_all, but not clean_all_and_lock. After installation first message - can't find device id. Must be IMEI or valid MAC Address (which i found before in /config/wifi/mac.txt)
  6. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    i think MiPad2 has no Imei, because it has no SIM card?!
  7. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    i backuped my data, after missing WLAN and before flashing/wiping. But before i didn't touch the system.
  8. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    First - thanks to your reply :-) now i flashed latest china developer rom. After reboot - i can not see any WLAN and i get "no devic id (null)" Then i tried to flash with updater app, but after reboot same rom as...
  9. R

    New Mipad2 Wlan No Connection

    Hi everybody, over night i was not able to turn on WLAN. I had used 2 Years the original installed Rom ( 6.x.x.x.). I tried to fix it in fast boot mode with Toolbox. (WLAN option) - no effect. I enabled developer mode, turned on OEM Unlock and USB Debugging I unlocked bootloader I...