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  1. Marto2cats

    Buggy forum website, need help

    I've encounted quite the interesting bug on your website. Here's a nice little screenshot for you guys to review. I also get a message about something going wrong with security and to hit back and refresh - does not work after clearing cache and also trying it on 2 devices and 4 different...
  2. Marto2cats


    Which notification style are you using?
  3. Marto2cats


    Did this fix the notification style problem?
  4. Marto2cats


    Poco F1 issues: 1. System app updater does not start at all. I've flashed the latest re-uploaded version, checked md5; 2. Android style notifications do not work for some apps such as Gmail. No notification appears on lock screen or status bar. Change back to miui style--> notifictions work...
  5. Marto2cats

    New No Notifications on 8.10.25

    What's the notification style you are using? Android or Muiu? If I use Android style on Poco F1 I get no notifications. If I change back to MIUI style notifications work. Also, see what kind of notification level your apps are set at - urgent, high, etc and what permissions they've got -...
  6. Marto2cats


    For Poco F1 I see no difference between the modes. Also, Android mode does not seem to be working fine.
  7. Marto2cats

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    I'm using the latest build of MIUI - 8.10.25 on Poco F1 and I don't see any difference between the available notification styles - MIUI and Android. Also if I choose Android style I receive no lockscreen notification for Gmail. Can anyone confirm? Or help maybe? I don't have root and I am using...
  8. Marto2cats


    I have this feature on my Poco F1, but it's not working. No notifications appear on my lockscreen if I select Android style.
  9. Marto2cats


    If I change the Notification style to Android I receive no notifications on my lockscreen. If I change it back to MIUI I get notifications. Pocophone F1. Dirty flash. Anyone else having the same problem?
  10. Marto2cats

    MIUI 9 7.9.21/22

    If coming from another rom (AOSP) should I also clear system(together with data, cache, etc.) in TWRP before flashing Miui 9 ? Device = Mi5s
  11. Marto2cats

    Miui 9 Screen On Time

    I see, thank you. Can you tell me if you did a dirty flash or a clean flash?
  12. Marto2cats

    Miui 9 Screen On Time

    Hello guys, Can you tell me what your SOT is with MIUI 9? Can you get more than 5 hrs?
  13. Marto2cats

    Screen Brightness Issue.

    Guys, if by any chance you've got screen protectors they could be the reason behind this issue. I had the same problem, but it waa caused by the screen protector.
  14. Marto2cats

    Xiaomi Mi5s Brick[solved]

    If you had an error 7 this means you have older firmware. Flash latest xiaomi dev rom and you will get the latest firmware. After that you will be able to flash LOS :)
  15. Marto2cats

    MIUI 8.6 7.6.8/10

    Same problem on my phone. I was able to solve it. Reboot your phone and you will be able to delete the fingerprints. Make sure to create new ones. EDIT: For me the fingerprint scanner in this version works worse than in, and
  16. Marto2cats

    About Latest 7.6.8

    Battery life is OK, but I haven't had the Mi 5s on original/stable ROM for long enough in order to compare. For me personally the Android System battery drain is back. I've cleared the data of Google play services , but not sure if the drain doesn't come back, because I cleared that yesterday...
  17. Marto2cats

    About Latest 7.6.8

    Ive got a question about firmware. Does the latest firmware get automatically flashed with the ROM if I am flashing via TWRP? Or should I manually flash the firmware via fastboot? How can I check if I am using the latest firmware right now? Is there a radio version I can look up?
  18. Marto2cats


  19. Marto2cats

    About Latest 7.6.8

    I was on global and I simply dirty flashed the latest weekly 7.6.8 :) No problems so far. EDIT: After the first day of usage I can say that Doze works great. I did not lose more than 1% juice overnight. Phone is fast, I haven't noticed any FCs, so far so good :D