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  1. K


    does anyone have this problem? Thanks
  2. K Stable V8.5.2.0.naacned

    Sorry guys but I need your help, I made a mess with my phone. I was having the widget problem so I downgraded to 8.2.2 but now the phone is not working properly. Can someone may describe me the steps to make a clean install of the rom. Thanks for your help
  3. K Stable V8.5.2.0.naacned

    do you have cloned apps like whatsapp?
  4. K Stable V8.5.2.0.naacned

    same problem for me, have you found any solution? Thanks
  5. K

    Frustrated With Miui V8? Try Miui V7!

    Hi Stefan you made me corious to downgrade from 8.1.6 to 7.5.7. If I want to do that I'm gonna lose my data on the phone? How do you suggest to proceed? Thanks a lot. Mauro
  6. K


    released, I think is too early asking for SOT and GPS performances!!!! ;-))