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  1. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    2.3.9 works with miui3.23
  2. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I like how this guy just leaves... I will try the other version and see if it works with 3.23 version
  3. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    better question, why can we create a version that will work with any MIUI version!?! Cyanogen has that...
  4. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    any idea for 2.3.9?!? Did Andy quit?!
  5. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Thank you so much!
  6. Tommy300z

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Great mod! Is it possible to have the date displayed when dragging the notification bar down like it is in stock? With this mod it won't show. Thanks!
  7. Tommy300z

    Playlist .m3u

    Yea, this is a big problem with the Music app. So far there is literally no answer to solve. Damn Chinese must not like playlists...
  8. Tommy300z

    CyanogenMod's DSP on MIUI?

    Found it. its a very new post. Works great!
  9. Tommy300z

    CyanogenMod's DSP on MIUI?

    Anything? I'm too short
  10. Tommy300z

    CyanogenMod's DSP on MIUI?

    I was wondering if it would ever be possible to exactly port over CM's DSPManager application to MIUI. I am using a Nexus One, if that is relevant. The reason why I would want to do this is because for the Nexus One, DSP is not included and hasn't been for a few weeks now. I tried installing the...
  11. Tommy300z

    Android Market PLace new look!

    UI looks great! Thanks for the link.
  12. Tommy300z

    MIUI Apps - What do you want to see?

    Dsp ****in manager back on N1...
  13. Tommy300z

    No DSP Manager?

    Thanks again. But I followed those instructions, still has same minimal effect and gets stuck on boot no matter what code I type in terminal.. I am actually just reverting to 1.6.17 for now, hoping that next week's update includes DSP. From latest Changelog: 'Removed from the system to optimize...
  14. Tommy300z

    No DSP Manager?

    Thanks for that. But not really worth the try. It is no where near as effective when it is included in the rom. Switching back to CM for the week as I am obsessed with perfect sounding music :D Hopefully it is in the next update again. Damn Chinese.
  15. Tommy300z

    No DSP Manager?

    I noticed it was taken out deliberately for some reason. Dan Chinese. Is it possible that anyone could post a link to a later DSP manager file to install or flash. Or could it be possible for me to extract it from CyanogenMod's latest nightly? Thanks.
  16. Tommy300z

    Nice to be here

    Glad to have you! I just hope you have a MIUI rom and your not just here as a no life stalking the forums :D
  17. Tommy300z

    Miui Lovers!!! **1 Thing you hate about Miui Rom that you would like fixed??**

    The DAMN Carrier logo on TOP!!!! Please, be GONE!!!!!!!
  18. Tommy300z

    No keyboard auto-correct / dictionary

    I dont know if anyone else has this, but the stock Android keyboard wont auto correct or show suggestions. I believe this is because of no dictionary, but i dont know how to fix this. Any help or suggestions? Thanks. Love this rom! Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  19. Tommy300z

    1.4.22 battery drain

    Not to break up this marvelous fight, but what kernel did you flash exactly? Thanks. Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  20. Tommy300z

    No keyboard dictionary

    With the stock Android Gingerbread keyboard, there is no word dictionary. If I type 'perffect' instead of 'perfect', there is no auto correct because perfect, or any word, is not in the dictionary. Only words I enter will show up in the choice/correction row. Can this be fixed with a dictionary...