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  1. F

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    You will not find KLO bugreport anywhere. I also wiped all data and cache from twrp. DIdn't work. It worked when I reset my phone from Backup & Reset
  2. F

    Miui9 7.10.12 Redmi Note 4 Mtk

    Reset your phone. Worked for me
  3. F

    MIUI 9 7.9.14/15

    Will there be a release for HMNote4 this friday? Or will miui come up with another issue?
  4. F

    MIUI 9 7.9.7/8

    when can we nikel users expect to get miui 9?
  5. F

    MIUI 8.3 7.3.9

    I got the same question