Search results

  1. wolfwork

    Invalid A app can't launch with modversion in build.prop

    The KFC app (playstore) detect the "ro.modversion" envprop in build.prop.. So app dose not launch with message "you are rooted deivces". Before when low android version(~9) can edit system files that include build.prop. If there are no technical problems, please comment out(#) the environment...
  2. wolfwork

    New Youtube 1080p 60fps Doesnt Shown

    In youtube app, we can not choose 1080p 60fps
  3. wolfwork

    New Crash At Camera Stereo

    Im using mi5s plus In gallery app I edit picture that taked with stereo mode on It cause crash Fix this plz
  4. wolfwork

    New Too Long Phone Call

    If i call to my friend It takes too long for the signal to go. newest version accorded
  5. wolfwork

    New Wallpaper Bug

    Position : Wallpaper - lockscreen
  6. wolfwork

    New Wallpaper Bug

    The wallpaper is not fixed. If you change the background and then use the transition (virtual space) function, the wallpaper is reset. The real-time wallpaper function using the network function is activated (though it seems to be disabled) and shows a completely different background image. This...
  7. wolfwork

    Wallpaper Bug

    The wallpaper is not fixed. If you change the background and then use the transition (virtual space) function, the wallpaper is reset. The real-time wallpaper function using the network function is activated (though it seems to be disabled) and shows a completely different background image. This...