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  1. J

    MIUI 8.2 6.12.8

    Mi5 lost network settings and only one sim working. Flashing latest SuperSu fixed the issues.
  2. J

    Notification Sms Group Disappeared

    Hello, Couple of days ago i cleaned up my sms inbox and deleted all notification / service sms under the handy group created automatically. Since the deletion of the messages the group disappeared from my inbox and all notification and services sms are mixed with normal sms which is very...
  3. J

    Not Getting 4g Signal

    Note for users in Philippines. Got myself Smart post paid sim card and now able to hold LTE network without issues. This means the phone has some problem with specific frequency band Globe is using or some setting in Globe network that this phone can't handle.
  4. J

    Not Getting 4g Signal

    Very true, just disappointed that this is not getting any action from Xiaomi side. Completely ignored so far but I guess you get what you pay for. Your usual Chinese "flagship" that looks good and almost works but not quite. This is my 3rd Xiaomi device but I'm seriously considering selling my...
  5. J

    Not Getting 4g Signal

    Mi5 has serious LTE network drop issues since last month. 6.7.21 was last that worked for me. Since then the phone is not able to hold LTE network and it constantly drops. This has nothing to do with LTE bands as the network supports same as Mi5. This issue is reported in many forums...
  6. J

    Finger Print Settings Disappear

    Yes, first miflash 6.7.21 and then from recovery 6.8.4 and last restore apps from titanium backup. The broblem was caused by restoring system from twrp backup. Sent from my SGP521 using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Finger Print Settings Disappear

    Well, flashing ROM again with full wipe solved the problem. Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
  8. J

    Finger Print Settings Disappear

    Hi, Restored my system from TWRP backup and now option to use finger print as screen lock and in apps has disappeared. Any advice how to restore? Preferably without losing my data and apps again.