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  1. alkeshgamer

    Update Error 7 On Twrp

    Hey, The sMiUi ROM worked nicely now, it's installed and running fine. Thank you for all your help!!
  2. alkeshgamer

    Update Error 7 On Twrp

    OK, I checked with the app and partition is 1.2gb. Wiped everything but still getting error 7. The exact lines are like- mount: no partition named "/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata" Target...release-keys mount: no partition named "/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system"...
  3. alkeshgamer

    Update Error 7 On Twrp

    Currently flashing latest 6.7.7 Official China beta rom via fastboot. And yea that line is already present in it. I'll install that app and check it afterwards. Yes both ROMs tries to install the latest twrp image but it does that at then end of ROM installation so that might not be the issue...
  4. alkeshgamer

    Update Error 7 On Twrp

    Hey, thanks for the help. But I am getting the same error after flashing official ROM with fastboot and wiping everything.(Actually I posted this after the official ROM flashing and then wiping) I'll be backing up everything and wiping the whole phone out, then perform the procedure again. About...
  5. alkeshgamer

    Update Error 7 On Twrp

    Hello everyone, I've been trying to flash the 6.6.30 rom on my Mi4 but everytime I do that I get error 7 on twrp. I've been using latest TWRP and the same also occurs on sMiui rom also. But no error comes when I flash any CM based ROM. So further I went into the updater-script to check...