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  1. S

    New Calendar - Don't Load Contact Birthday Info From A Google Account

    In order to be able to import contacts, I cleared the application data in the settings. Then I made imports. The data appeared in the calendar. However, when the contact's birthday was changed, the changes were not reflected in the calendar. I reinstalled the system again in the following...
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    New Calendar - Don't Load Contact Birthday Info From A Google Account

    Moved contacts to Mi, removed from Google. Removed the account of Google. Enabled the synchronization of contacts from Mi. Contacts have appeared, there are still no birthdays in the calendar. From Mi they also did not load into the calendar.
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    New Calendar - Don't Load Contact Birthday Info From A Google Account

    Apparently, the problem occurs when you first install the firmware, when installing from scratch. The problem was encountered before, but I do not remember the version of the firmware where it was. The problem is solved by installing and launching the google calendar application. Then google...
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    Yes I know. However, only the way to fix the situation when the original application does not work correctly. If someone installs this firmware from scratch, then he should know that there is such a problem with the calendar.
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    New Calendar - Don't Load Contact Birthday Info From A Google Account

    Redmi3, MIUI 8.2.1, Russian Language. Downloaded ido_xhdpi_images_8.2.1_20180201.0000.00_5.1_cn_98d739cd99.tgz Then, using MyFlash, downloaded this firmware to the phone, the mode "clear all". After that, turned on the phone, made the initial settings. After that, using the TWRP, installed...
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    Redmi 3: from the Google account do not load data about the birthdays of contacts into Calendar, there is no synchronization