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  1. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.4.21

    Hi guys i just noticed that the phone does not charge anymore if it's on, i mean that the only way to charge it now it's turning the phone off. I use a Mi3W and till yesterday was everything normal as usual o.o'
  2. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.17

    Something just show up, and it's pretty weird.. I recive a call from a friend and while we were speaking he couldn't hearme anymore, i i try to turn off the call and try to call him back, but i wasn't able to turn off the call for like 30sec, i pressed over and over the red butto to close it but...
  3. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.17

    Thanks as always, no prob even this week, i also install the SU and everything goes fine :D
  4. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.10/11

    On my Mi3 everything goes fine this time, thanks for your work ^^
  5. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    Omg finally, after the 5th time install it worked ç-ç unfortunally wiped all, so i gotta restore the backup, but at last now it works, thanks for the support guys ^^
  6. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    I'm still waiting at boot screen from 20min... wiped cache and dalvic but nothing happened yet...
  7. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    Okey, thanks, going to wipe then ^^
  8. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    Nop, I thought that wasn't necessary, should I do it?
  9. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    till 22:31 i'm waiting at the boot screen, noone of you?
  10. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    Rebooting the phone pressing power + volume up the twrp comes up, but when i set the update zip i get: mount: failed to mount dev block platform msm sdcc 1 by name userdata at data Device or resource busy Target Xiaomi cancro cancro:6 0 1 MMB29M 6 3 3 user release keys help? 22:31 : i waited...
  11. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.3.3

    Hi guys, i just downloaded like always, without read the theard, now i'm stuck on Mi logo when i reboot it, i thought it would be like the other weeks, what could i do now?
  12. Tsukishici

    MULTI 6.1.28/29/2.4

    Hi guys, since last update I cannot use Mi PC Suite, there's a fix or something i can do? Thanks ^^