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  1. remeow

    [ROM][KK][4.4][2014-05-18] CyanogenMod 11.0

    You are right thank you. Is completely my fault I did an upgrade from JB to KK and did not check the behaviour on KK before
  2. remeow

    [ROM][KK][4.4][2014-05-18] CyanogenMod 11.0

    Hi and thanks for the answer, nevertheless I think is not working, or at least is not behaving as a regular linux box, or maybe I did not understand what you said. From what I understand this is what I did 1. I created a directory in "/mnt/media_rw/sdcard0/GoogleMusic/music" 2. I did a long...
  3. remeow

    [ROM][KK][4.4][2014-05-18] CyanogenMod 11.0

    I would like to apologize in advance, because I don´t know if it´s and issue on this ROM, or is an issue with xiaomi phones in general. I´m a heavy user of google music, but recently I discover that it stores the music in the internal storage, so after looking I found a link that explained how...
  4. remeow

    Phone App Space

    Did you manage to make it work, because I always get and error with the symlink