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  1. qbert456

    New Delay Notifications

    So the alarm time fixes this? The description isn't very clear and the fact this feature exists would be nice to know! You guys make it sound like it's obvious! It isn't to me
  2. qbert456

    MULTI 4.4.11

    Couldn't even flash this one! Got context error or something in cwm
  3. qbert456

    MULTI 4.4.11

    I put this on my nexus and settings freezes it, in particular, wifi settings
  4. qbert456

    Design flaw on Xiaomi M2(S)

    Sorry, I get you now! You're right!
  5. qbert456


    Is it the data usage nag?
  6. qbert456

    Design flaw on Xiaomi M2(S)

    Don't be so sure, my daughter has broken 4 of those apple charger wires since Christmas. Admittedly the phone socket is fine but just saying......
  7. qbert456


    Any question ever asked can likely be googled, so no one should ever ask again. A new script on the forum that detects a question mark would be good... When it does, there's trouble! O:-)
  8. qbert456

    New Delay Notifications

    I must have missed it O:-)
  9. qbert456

    New Delay Notifications

    I don't not believe, but where is this mentioned before?!
  10. qbert456

    New HeartBleed - is MIUI affected?

    And some worried about Chinese back doors on this rom.... Glad it's being fixed ASAP. Oh wait, it isn't
  11. qbert456

    Mi3 Virgin

    Mi2s good choice, I've no need to go up to the mi3 from mine. Lots of covers and cases available too (aliexpress)
  12. qbert456

    MULTI 4.4.4

    Isn't that what it's called then?
  13. qbert456

    Hongmi WCDMA version Unboxing review with a lot of Pics

    Anyone? Pleeeease someone tell me! :-D
  14. qbert456

    Redmi 1s

    Ah right, thanks, mtk s**t you say but if I only check emails taj and text I won't really see any difference? I thought maybe it was 4g or 3g on 900mhz or something!
  15. qbert456

    Redmi 1s

    What's the difference between hongmi and the soon to be released 1s version please?
  16. qbert456

    Mi2s not 900mhz

    I never knew this I use 3g on my mi2 on Vodafone and did wonder why the coverage for 3g was so bad! This explains it
  17. qbert456

    Gmail sync problems

    Email on Android generally has always been the weakest thing for me. I use k9 email and its certainly better than the built in client but not perfect
  18. qbert456

    MULTI 4.3.28

    The replies to people's genuine questions seem a bit, flippant?
  19. qbert456

    Resolved T-Mobile/Orange UK On MiOne should be EE

    It's the network id in the phone, as they still have masts using separate id. You'll Def get ee on 3g as they use mbnl, 2g is where the old names still appear.
  20. qbert456

    (solved) S2 misuse screen