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  1. T

    MULTI 4.9.19

    Mi2a: After reverting to 4.9.12 I have to always manually delete data of Xiaomi Service Framework (/data/data/com.xiaomi.xmsf/ folder) otherwise it FC all the time. Then everything is back to normal.
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    MULTI 4.9.19

    Mi2a: tried to repeat the update process a few more times and still random (hot)reboots.
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    MULTI 4.9.19

    Downloaded from 2 mirrors, md5sum is Ok.
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    MULTI 4.9.19

    Mi2a - random reboots (first time after 1 year of life with MIUI), reverted to 4.9.12
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    [HowTo] Increase free available memory

    What's the best tool/way how to fine-tune settings of recently enabled zram in kernel? (on Mi2a every single MB matters :) ) Thanks.
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    MULTI 4.9.12

    What's the best tool for MIUI to fine-tune settings of recently enabled zram in kernel (running Mi2a where every single MB matters :) )? Thanks.
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    MULTI 4.9.12

    Taurus: manually - fails, OTA - OK.
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    MULTI 4.9.12

    Maybe my first system partition is faulty, because first time update passed with boot loop (just bootloader logo and reset).
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    MULTI 4.9.12

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    MULTI 4.9.12

    2x re-download, no luck. Mi2a.
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    I think I found a way how to make it work without Titanium backup and WSM Tools. All you need to do with each of newly installed Smartwatch plugin is the following (by using some root explorer like ES Explorer): 1) move the apk from /data/app/ to /system/app/ 2) Restart. 3) Open-up Smartwatch...
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    Of course tried (that what I meant by doing it "manually") but it didn't work. My workaround is better as it does not eat more and more space from system partition.
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    DEPRECATED SOLUTION - see my post below ( I was not able to convert Sony extensions with Titanium backup (don't have paid version) but tried to...
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    I don't think they are gonna fix it in MIUIv5, maybe something can change in MIUIv6 but I'm sure it is possible to make a patch via Xposed (WSM Tools). Is there any app developer willing to do that?
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    MULTI 4.5.30

    Unwanted update download can confirm as well (mi2a).
  16. T

    MULTI 4.5.30

    I forgot to put an error message: Could not find class 'android.test.IsolatedContext', referenced from method com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.db.ExperienceDatabaseHelper.onUpgrade :)
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    I do really hope they are gonna fix it as what is broken is general android API.
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    MULTI 4.5.30

    Dear ingbrzy, thank you for all your hard work you are doing! MIUI works just wonderful!! However, there is just a little issue (for quite a long time) when used with Sony Smartwatches app (it affects all the Sony Smartwatches). If you can take a look on that, I would very much appreciate it...
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    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    I tracked this down. The problem is in android.test.IsolatedContext class located in /system/framework/ android.test.runner.jar file. The change which is causing it came with MIUI 3.11.29 update (prior to 3.11.29 all was working fine). I'm not an android developer and I could not manage to get...