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  1. F

    MULTI 7.1.12

    The official changelog says Support redmi Note 2. So its mit xiaomi, its EU.rom suspended?
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    MULTI 7.1.5

    How is battery live there?
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    MULTI 7.1.5

    "3. Update for Redmi Note 2 suspended this week due to stability testing." Netter suspend than brin it out with Problems! Still using 12.22 best for my hmnote2 battery.
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    MULTI 6.12.29

    Thank you. You mean I habe to do an own theme or there are settings at themes?
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    Wireless Display + Chromecast 1

    Only Open the YouTube App.
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    Wireless Display + Chromecast 1

    I usw dev 22.12 and have no problems to Connect rn2 with chromecast.
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    MULTI 6.12.29

    Hey, is it possible to put weather (App) effects as Desktop Background???
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    MULTI 6.12.22

    Hej, I get No APICON at WhatsApp anymore. Redmi Note 2
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    MULTI 6.12.22

    Really one of the best! Specially the battery at the Redmi Note 2 ist very good!!
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    MULTI 6.12.1

    Okey, Thank you.
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    MULTI 6.12.1

    Hello, Problem with redmi Note 3 hennessy. Display is on, incoming call then the Display gets black, no reaction on touching Display or any Buttons. Can anyone confirm? Greetings
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    MULTI 6.11.24

    this is still on my redmi Note 2 since Last Update Last friday.
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    MULTI 6.11.24

    Hello, yes i know it too. My question is: why is mc afee working in Background on THUS rom? Bug or eu rom Problem? Just wanna try to help.
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    MULTI 6.11.24

    Puh, 100% to 48% just over Night!!?? What happens there?
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    MULTI 6.11.3

    Hello, Translation Problem?
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    MULTI 6.10.20

    Yes, the battery drain is really shi.... It sucks. Redmi Note 2 User.
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    MULTI 6.10.20

    Redmi Note 2 too, Same problems.
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    MULTI 6.10.20

    Reading just one News, 10% accu in 10 minutes??? Pfffff
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    MULTI 6.10.20

    Redmi Note 2 Someone else feels battery drain with redmi Note 2? Seems the Display drains extreme.
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    MULTI 6.10.20

    Hello , i was in Display @ 01% battery. I shotdown the Mobile. When i connected Mobile with Power the Display showed 17% !!! WhatsApp wrong with it?