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  1. MarkHUK

    Mi Apps market

    Most likely based on Geo / Locale in that case.
  2. MarkHUK

    How does work?

    And we've been smali hacking from day one :cool:
  3. MarkHUK

    Invalid [9.4.18] [HMNote 7] Not French ??

    Be more considerate of the do's and don'ts next time you are doing translations. As @ingbrzy said, we can't and won't rebuild ROMs for such a mistake due to the amount of processing time needed.
  4. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    OK, so please ask them WHY there is an option to BIND with the account services within Mi Home APP. My guess is the customer support is not familiar with the process. Also try emailing to
  5. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    API issue most likely. Try speaking to Tuya and see what they say.
  6. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    did you read the posts above yours?
  7. MarkHUK

    Xiaomi Dafang in Norway.

    Sorry but the Dafang is NOT sold officially for European Market at the present time.
  8. MarkHUK

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    This is why there is a SEARCH function on the forum. Enlighten yourself by giving it a try :cool:
  9. MarkHUK

    M365 Scooter: Originality Check

    Buy from official distributors would be the only sure way to know if its legitimate or a fake.
  10. MarkHUK

    Connect timeout, confirm network patency and retry 1000

    I'm not protecting anyone or anything, simply being the voice of logic when it comes to the issue you are faced with. You buy a product not tested, supported or READY for the European market then you say its Xiaomi's fault for not giving you the support you so desire? Sorry but that just...
  11. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    You can try speaking to Tuya, perhaps their integration is not perfect yet.
  12. MarkHUK

    Connect timeout, confirm network patency and retry 1000

    You expect too much when buying from unofficial sources which cannot offer the customer services support for the product. Price has little to do with the issue, the products being sold are not supported with localised support for one thing, secondly even price was higher it would not stop...
  13. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    try Chinese, maybe a bug somewhere
  14. MarkHUK

    Integrate Tuya (Smart Life) in Mi Home app

    Profile > Other platform devices > Tap to add Select Tuya from list, then Add account. Should work, which language are you selecting at the login binding page?
  15. MarkHUK

    the number you dialed is busy. please hold.. Feature

    Not a very sensible "feature" if the line was busy for say an hour, you would want to wait on hold for 1 hr? I dont think so... Besides the fact when you dial a number this function is usually handled by the Telecom operator, not by the phone itself.
  16. MarkHUK

    Connect timeout, confirm network patency and retry 1000

    Please read the THREAD. There is a way if you bother to look for it.
  17. MarkHUK

    When do you decide dev must be stable

    yes - but in future, please use search on the forum... Most of what you asked is answered previously many times. Thanks.
  18. MarkHUK

    When do you decide dev must be stable

    It's down to personal choice in any aspect. Dev if you want latest features.. Stable if you want something a bit more tried and tested. The decision for any development process is based on a tested (locked down) version which goes through a series of weeks or months of test and feedback then it...
  19. MarkHUK

    Invalid user emails

    If you provide our forum with an invalid or erroneous email address your account will soon be deactivated. The reason for this is mail delivery error / failures to ISP mail systems. Please ensure you have a valid, accessible email as any we discover in error logs will be appropriately terminated...
  20. MarkHUK

    Connect timeout, confirm network patency and retry 1000

    PS. Someone should really tell whoever translates the errors that PATENCY should be LATENCY!