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  1. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    Dear Roenano. I don't know If this was on older roms too, but I found some characters missing for Greek language. Here goes. ύ ΰ Ύ in 8 ΐ Ί in 4 Thanks in advance Yeah those too
  2. Babis_koz


    I sit possible to add more sources for lyrics in music. It cannot find some of the most known songs or when it finds them some chineese appear.Thanks !!!!1
  3. Babis_koz

    Changelog MIUI ROM 3.8.30/29 Changelog

    So everything OK with the Google keyboard?
  4. Babis_koz

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.23

    So, all of us having problem with the Google keyboard should download again the 3.8.23 multilang and install it?
  5. Babis_koz


    To iBotPeaches I don't know if it's relevant, but when I went into recovery and rebooted to 3.8.16 I had the keyboard but I couldn't get into settings
  6. Babis_koz


    Ok I had the same problem with the keyboard so I Copied the apk from the /data/media/preinstall_apps to an sd folder and installed it I have a Mi2S multilang
  7. Babis_koz

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.23

    No keyboard for me too (Mi2S). When I rebooted to 3.8.16 settings stopped working
  8. Babis_koz


    Everything Ok with my Mi2s.Thanks
  9. Babis_koz

    Changelog MIUI 3.8.9 Changelog

    I really like the landscape in music player. I have a pair of iluv ( earphones and my Mi2s doesn't recognize the remote of them. Can it be fixed?
  10. Babis_koz

    Gia ellhnika sth bar mono me ex dialer apo to market ta katafera.Gia 160 char thelei allo keyboard

    Gia ellhnika sth bar mono me ex dialer apo to market ta katafera.Gia 160 char thelei allo keyboard
  11. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    As roenano said : "This mod is included on miuiandroid multilang rom, I don't know about other releases from other sites. "
  12. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    Everything OK with greek language
  13. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    Great. Thanks a lot my friend
  14. Babis_koz

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.7.5

    OK. Thanks. It's just most of the times first I press the dialer icon and then I start thinking who I want to call. I think ex dialer is the style of dialer I prefer but that's a personal opinion. Or you could add an extra tab in contacts for speed dial calls with photos. Anyway thank you !!!
  15. Babis_koz

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.7.5

    Dear ingbrzy. Is there a chance in the future for you guys to add a speed dial option on the stock dialer? Some of us still miss the use of it.
  16. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    Thank you. I appreciate it.
  17. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    It's on number 6 of the dialpad. And it's all three letters missing Ν,Ξ,Ο and ν,ξ,ο
  18. Babis_koz

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.6.28

    Dear ingbrzy thanks for the update. Is there any chance that you guys in the future could see what's wrong with roenano's Auto-T9_dialer and Greek language (#6 letters Ν,Ξ,Ο ν,ξ,ο don't work and all greek vowels with tonos above them). Thanks again
  19. Babis_koz

    New Mi2S multilanguage rom, not dispaying Greek characters correctly on contacts

    It happens with lowercase greek vowels that have tonos above them(ά ή ί ύ ό ώ έ). I also want to add the lack of greek alphabet on the sidebar in contacts. And something else I wrote about in another thread, the problem with greek letter N in T9 search in dialer.Thanks
  20. Babis_koz

    [MOD]V5 Multilanguage T9 dialer

    I am very pleased to see that T9 search for other languages is included at last. I have one comment to make - having upgraded my mi2 to 3.6.14 version- Greek letter Ν is absent or not behaving correctly.All others are OK. The thing is that with that letter which is on #6 on the dialpad only...