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  1. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    first summer miuiv4 release is just out. Fixed recorder, now it records 3gpp in aac quality and shouldn't fc anymore.
  2. Lens_flare

    MIUI Community - What device do you want to see running MIUI?

    please let non-fb users at least see who are the candidates :p
  3. Lens_flare

    HELP - Blocked at loading screen

    moved in Q&A since there are no development activity here. Cheers, MIUIandroid staff.
  4. Lens_flare

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.6.1 Preview Change log

    great :D any way to checck it as on by default? :D
  5. Lens_flare

    Xiaomi MIHOME 1.0 Released

    again that dload link: I do have a dejavu :D (screenshot link is broken)
  6. Lens_flare

    Preview New Network Assistant for MIUI V4 (monitor)

    unique, stylish, great! Pele wish to you finally wake up ;]
  7. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    according to main page:
  8. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    yeah, new version is up, sorry, I forgot to change the index :p unfortunately I haven't fixed nothing, it's just incremental release. See mine signatures at lfdesigns/modaco to get a clue why.
  9. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    miui is ported when I want and when I could' do that, if nothing released, just wait next week. Hope you understood.
  10. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    it's miui-related though ;/
  11. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    still no, maybe somewhat hw decoding issue..
  12. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    ok, the rule is applicable for only miui 2.5.11 and later versions.
  13. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    so you have 128k sim.. ok, as I expected the mobile data is not working coz of apns not set properly.. for now just forget ;]
  14. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    interesting.. do you have apns? could I see your logcat -b radio output?
  15. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    for me it works, maybe is about your host?
  16. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    exactly that at least for usb masstorage there is a workaround- use 3rd party app.
  17. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    silly me, I forgot to change the link :p fixed. -new kernel with latest features like 1% battery -signal strength reported correctly -RIL module like on actual CM (SIM fixed, apn present, no data :[ and need to rebbot to make a call) -usb debugging sign seems deleted by miui -uhm, forgot :p
  18. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    2.5.11 up. read OP carefully.
  19. Lens_flare

    Please port MIUI ICS apks to CM9 ICS(non-MIUI)

    MiCode now providing source for some of them, but it seems they won't work without framework modifications, that are closed..