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  1. iBotPeaches


    Not official.
  2. iBotPeaches


    Uploading that mirror now. Someone missed one.
  3. iBotPeaches


    The official link URL is DNS rotated with 4 mirrors. Soo.....
  4. iBotPeaches


    Nexus 4 isn't official. So it comes 1-2 days later after official releases.
  5. iBotPeaches

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.23

    I personally said in a few posts after the release to "not flash this release". Its a development ROM that changes every week. Some weeks are bad, some are good. Rarely like this week are they really bad. After about 5 hotfixes, we decided to stop hotfixes and begin work on next week, because...
  6. iBotPeaches

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.23

    Whether a port comes or not is entirely up to the developer doing it. If its not official, don't count on anything.
  7. iBotPeaches

    Resolved MIUI blocks you from downloading files >20MB

    We merged a fix for this a few days ago. It'll be in this week.
  8. iBotPeaches

    Hugo Barra headed to Xiaomi

    Its a double edged sword. Some of the things that make Xiaomi great, also are the reasons that make them bad. Its good to say that most of their features probably wouldn't pass CTS testing of Android. Thats why they had to remove GApps (my guess), and why they continue to re-make everything to...
  9. iBotPeaches


    I just flashed 3.8.16 over 3.8.28 on my MI2 to test downgrading. That worked. Sometimes switching to the other system will fail if a data storage type (like sqlite or something) has changed.
  10. iBotPeaches

    New MI2 Updated to 3.8.28 and now I've got serious problems

    You should of just rebooted into the other system, the instant the current one didn't work. I have no clue what steps you took, but they are all wrong. I flashed last week's ROM to test this on a broken keyboard ROM, and it booted up fine with no settings problem.
  11. iBotPeaches


    I checked that, the apk is correctly installed and even validates the same MD5 as the one locally. More research. adb install keyboard.apk = good pm install keyboard.apk = Failed (can't read manifest). (on CM) pm install keyboard.apk = good There must be a modified package manager inside...
  12. iBotPeaches


    Strange. So it is not the following - recovery - signing - permissions - chmod - version -> version - phone (mi2 / mi2a /mi2s all affected) - randomly, only about 30% affected What keyboard did you have prior to the upgrade?
  13. iBotPeaches


    Okay. Do you have a gplus account? We will carry on some major discussion via google plus talk hangout.
  14. iBotPeaches


    The thing is, my MI2 installs any apk in that folder. Is USB debugging enable on your phone? Or developer mode? Maybe its related to developer settings.
  15. iBotPeaches


    I don't think build date has anything to do with it. Since all ROMs get the same ROM flashed to them. The only thing that might be different is lower level partitions that aren't affected flash to flash, except none of those have anything to do with installing stuff. I haven't looked at the...
  16. iBotPeaches


    Strange. I wonder if apks in that directory have to be signed with the same shared key that all apks in the folder are. All the previous APKs in there were made by Xiaomi and share the same key. Maybe the system requires that key and ignores all others. Otherwise it would be pretty easy to...
  17. iBotPeaches


    Could someone grab an entire logcat (time of boot, until like 30 seconds later). Of someone who flashed and lost keyboard? Its almost 48 hours later and I still can't reproduce or figure out why keyboard doesn't install on some devices.
  18. iBotPeaches


    Personally, just skip this release. Its still not perfect.
  19. iBotPeaches

    In Progress Wrong operator name (Telecom Italiz SpA)

    Strange. Wikipedia reports it as being 22201 as well. If you open up MIUIStats, and go the the "preview" stats thing. What does that screen say in regards to carrier?
  20. iBotPeaches

    MULTI MIUI Multi lang 3.8.23

    When you re-allocate the partitions what is loosing space now?