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  1. Absolute

    MIUI Community - What device do you want to see running MIUI?

    T-mobile G2X ....preferably ASAP as I'm getting it tomorrow and I can't imagine not running MIUI. lol
  2. Absolute

    MIUI Apps - What do you want to see?

    And you can't think of a better way to do this than completely eliminating the app drawer? How about an app drawer that doesn't keep the apps in the drawer if you move them to your homescreen? well then...perfect.
  3. Absolute

    MIUI Apps - What do you want to see?

    so in a thread titled "What do YOU (the operative word as that indicates extreme subjectivity) want to see..." someone offering their opinion and then you whining about said opinion and then someone (me) getting annoyed at how retarded your anti-opinion of the opinion was....makes ME whiny? you...
  4. Absolute

    MIUI Apps - What do you want to see?

    to be a bit childish, how about you stfu and let people have opinions in a damn opinion thread...MIUI like ALL ROMS on ALL PHONES is NOT PERFECT...the app drawer is a good way of ridding your phone of clutter as well as folders for organization...why both can't be implemented is beyond me, and...
  5. Absolute

    MIUI Apps - What do you want to see?

    you can have both why make it only one? a sea of icons is a weak launcher set drawer trumps wall of icons every day.
  6. Absolute

    Vote for the new MIUI Slogan!

    MIUI. What Android should've been from the start (well now that it differentiated itself a lot more from the iPhone) ...too long?
  7. Absolute

    Frustrated with automatic suspicious IP blocking

    same I can't even click the link it provides to work...
  8. Absolute

    [SUGGESTION] Clear single notifications

    In Android 3.0 and in CM7 there is a way to clear just one notification or each notification one at a 3.0 there's a small X to click and in CM7 (at least when I last used it) you could swipe the notification left or right to clear it from the panel. So Mark, I am asking if you can...
  9. Absolute

    SD card problem

    show hidden apps in the sdcard directory in a file manager. I don't know how but one time a random .nomedia file appeared and I thought my sdcard was broke. delete that file and all should be well.
  10. Absolute

    New video for MIUI 2.3 15/04/2011

    man...I love MIUI
  11. Absolute

    Can we request the old App toggle?

    yea but sometimes i have to use it while I'm using the phone and going from browser to lockscreen (or home) and pressing home (or finding the torch app) is a lot less intuitive than always ready access.
  12. Absolute

    New android music player

    hmmm, this app seems a bit different from the recently leaked APK...
  13. Absolute

    NEW MIUI Camera (Found on

    oh okay...I only saw the smaller pictures and didnt see it so clearly. nice job MIUI team
  14. Absolute

    NEW MIUI Camera (Found on

    that button is probably the video/still switch
  15. Absolute


    I can't imagine leaving MIUI. Ever. I hope they venture into tablet territory once 3.0+ is more widespread and available on AOSP.
  16. Absolute

    Gmail motion

    lol google is great.
  17. Absolute

    (Light) Orchis UI vs. (Dark) Orchis UI

    dark works for me. Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  18. Absolute

    Translucent notifications bar for alternate launchers (ADW, Launcher Pro)

    if you add a live wallpaper that you can customize the image and hide the effects the notification bar will be transparent. I use nexuskang live wallpaper with launcherpro
  19. Absolute

    Turn Off "Mobile View" in Browser

    about:debug Settings > UA string > desktop
  20. Absolute

    MIUI gingerbread improvements

    from what I know MIUI and CM teams share information between each other - ex. the CM7 Radio app and the notification buttons in CM7 so hopefully it can happen. (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG AS I WOULD HATE TO SPREAD THIS FALSE INFORMATION IF FALSE)